Dice Golem is easy to use from the moment it’s added and takes advantage of newer bot capabilities of Discord: message commands, autocomplete suggestions, buttons, and more! It’s built to stay out of the way of your games while still feeling like a native part of Discord. You can also install it directly to your Discord account and use it anywhere!
Most Discord dice bots have similar features and commands but accept different dice roll syntaxes. Dice Golem uses a syntax similar to Roll20 and other VTTs’ “math expression” syntax, like 3 * 2d6 + 1
User privacy is extremely important: whether you’re in a public server with 30,000 users or a server just for you and your friends, Dice Golem cannot read server messages unless the messages mention Dice Golem. Learn more or read the bot’s Privacy Policy.
The prefered way is with the /roll command! When making rolls with Dice Golem you provide a dice expression to evaluate, like 2d6+4. Your chatbox should look like this:
/roll expression:2d6+4
You can add other options too, like a label:
/roll expression:2d20kh1+3 label:Lucky initiative secret:True
Other Slash commands like /secret make rolls with certain options implied.
Sorry! The bot will likely still respond to DMed rolls and @mentions as a workaround in servers, but there are some things you can do to troubleshoot:
In rare cases there could be other problems or an issue with Discord. Please ask in the support server!
Dice Golem responds to messages that @mention it in servers and in direct message channels where have the bot user added. It tries to roll the message’s other text: @Dice Golem 3d6+3 will roll 3d6+3
. The bot user will need Send Messages permission to respond.
You can add labels inline after a # or \: @Dice Golem 4d8 # fire damage!
Dice Golem can read:
When using the bot’s Slash or Message commands it is only ever sent the data you enter or the message you call it against. Dice Golem cannot read messages sent in servers unless the messages @mention it.
If added to a server, browse to Server Settings > Integrations > Dice Golem and click Remove App at the bottom. If the bot user remains, it can be kicked.
If installed to your user, browse to User Settings > Authorized Apps, locate Dice Golem in the list, and click Deauthorize.