Dice Golem’s Privacy Policy

During your interactions with Dice Golem the service collects information provided by you, by Discord, or by Discord on your behalf:

  • Your unique numerical Discord user ID.
  • Guild and channel IDs where Dice Golem is used.
  • Supplied inputs like roll expressions, settings, and labels.

This information is used to:

  • Provide the Dice Golem service.
  • Associate and manage user, guild, and channel-specific data, such as preferences and recent roll expressions.
  • Monitor service usage pursuant to enforcing the service’s Terms.
  • Monitor and maintain service health and performance.
  • Investigate bugs and improve Dice Golem.

Data is retained for as long as it is needed for the purposes for which it was collected.

If you would like to request permanent deletion of any data please contact the bot administrators through the bot’s support server. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.